The award-winning Stripe Hog is not only the most advanced but the most productive rubber and paint airport marking removal system in the industry today. The Stripe Hog captive water blasting system is ideally suited for pavement marking removal, runway rubber removal, curing compound removal on new concrete, pavement marking rejuvenation and cleaning, surface preparation before new markings are applied, cleaning oil, jet-blast residue and grease from taxiways and gate areas. No other system offers the same level of versatility and performance on a single truck chassis. It is quicker, cleaner, and more easily adapted to the pavement maintenance needs of today’s major airports. The most popular attribute of the Stripe Hog is its ability to remove airport markings and runway rubber from asphalt and concrete without causing any significant damage to the surface. The Stripe Hog operates with only clean water—no chemicals or additives minimizing the impact to the environment. Rubber deposits, paint, and thermoplastic cannot withstand the effective force of the needle-sharp water jets. Stripe Hogs can average removal rates of 40,000 sq. ft/hr (3,716 m2/hr) and more for rubber removal from asphalt and concrete runways. They also routinely remove up to 12,500 linear feet (3,810 linear meters) per hour of painted lines on asphalt and concrete surfaces as well.
The recovery of liquid and solid debris occurs immediately; simultaneous with the blasting process.
On an average summer day, new markings can be applied at the same location in 15 to 20 minutes. In runway emergency situations a Stripe Hog can be safely out of the way within 45 seconds allowing distressed aircraft to land almost immediately.
The Stripe Hog is second to none for the airport maintenance industry because of its innovative design, efficiency, and versatility. This is also illustrated by the fact that there are more trucks sold worldwide than our five closest competitors combined
customer testimonials
“The Stripe Hog does 100% of what it is supposed to do, and that is very rare”
“The SH8000 can be off the runway in minutes in order to accommodate flying operations.”